I hope you guys are ready to watch us sink into depression LOVE THE INTRO!!!Oct 04, 18 · Banana Fish episode 13 The Snows of Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro no Yuki キリマンジャロの雪 Ash heads to the agreed place where he shall face Arthur to settle it once and for all Eiji, who had been left behind, wakes up and is told to head back to Japan by Ash`s guysNov 09, 18 · Colonel Holstock, the military dude buying Banana Fish from Golzine along with the nowdead Senator Kippard, tells his driver to "keep his loins in check" before the driver is sniped in the head and the car crashes into a truck, and boom, explosions, cue theme song
Banana Fish Episode 24 The Anime Rambler By Benigmatica