The anime starts off with two things, a chess game, and a truck chase Two noble persons are playing chess when Lelouch suddenly interfered and in a badass and calculated manner, he won the game even though it looks like he will lose Lelouch then saw the truck and he helped the people ab6ix|astro|btob|b1a4|bigbang|bigflo|black6ix|block b|btob|bts|exo|got7|hotshot|ikon|monsta x|nct127|nu'est|pentagon|seventeen|stray kids|the boyz|verivery|東方神起 KPOP DVD ☆ iKON 贈答品 Jin Hwan KPOP アイコン ジンファン 覆面歌王 日本語字幕あり DVD ,iKON,Jin,Hwan,日本語字幕あり,アイコン,覆面歌王,KPOP,266円,CD・DVD , 韓国, アジア・韓国 ,☆,,KPOP,ジンファン,DVD DVD ,iKON,Jin,Hwan,日本語字幕あり,アイコン,覆面歌王,K
Ikon日本デビュー記念 Nylonとコラボ Youtube